Bulk correct skewed timestamps on photos using exiftool05/07/2024 Under: projects Tags: #photographyManipulating image metadata to shift the image timestamps
Customizing Wedding Cards With Python19/05/2024 Under: projects Tags: #Python #ChatGPTScrambling to send an e-invite for our wedding
Euclidean Groove Thing22/12/2022 Under: projects Tags: #music #generativeMusicA four-part sequencer web app that uses Euclidean distribution and a Turing machine to generate and trigger musical notes, built with p5.js, Tone.js, and p5.gui.js.
Song of Life24/11/2022 Under: projects Tags: #music #generativeMusicA web app that turns Conway's Game of Life into a musical sequencer, generating unique melodies through randomized scales and keys.
COVID-19 Vax Locations13/10/2021 Under: projects Tags: #nextJs #covid19A story of building a webapp to help folks find vaccination centers. And in the process learn the importance of open data!
Dynamic DNS Using Azure DNS Zones And Logic Apps25/04/2021 Under: projects Tags: #Azure #HomeLabLow-code and low-cost DNS management with dynamic DNS using the Azure cloud platform.
Putting the past on disk08/05/2020 Under: life projects Tags: #MusicReconciling with lost memories and archiving childhood photographs with bash scripts.
Recreating the THX Deep Note in JavaScript26/05/2018 Under: projects Tags: #DSPTHX celebrates their 35th anniversary somewhere in this week. Short bit of history THX’s inception in 1983 was to make sure that the…