monogram with initials UKR


Migrating my blog, again (Hugo) post thumbnail

Migrating my blog, again (Hugo)

Under: technology Tags: #hugo #web-dev
Here we go again, another year, another site migration.
What "Being Agile" is Really About post thumbnail

What "Being Agile" is Really About

Under: technology Tags: #computing #startups
Some thoughts on being agile and why process shouldn't come first to survive.
Social Engineering Isn't Hacking? post thumbnail

Social Engineering Isn't Hacking?

Under: technology Tags: #computing #hacking #bookReviews
Some thoughts on social engineering and magic? An exploration of Kevin Mitnick's hacks from the book "Ghost in the Wires"
The PC Is Dead, Long Live The PC! post thumbnail

The PC Is Dead, Long Live The PC!

Under: technology Tags: #computing
A Look at what's next for personal computing.
Pragmatic Approach : Serverless For Startups post thumbnail

Pragmatic Approach : Serverless For Startups

Under: technology Tags: #serverless #startups
Serverless And Startups, how one can benefit from the other.
RSS Feed for next.js blog post thumbnail

RSS Feed for next.js blog

Under: technology Tags: #nextjs #web-dev
On creating an RSS feed for this blog, and how it's not as tedious as you think.
Conformity & The Internet post thumbnail

Conformity & The Internet

Under: technology Tags: #100wd #internet
Exploration of the journey of the word wide web, from a bazaar of html sites to what it is now.
How Spotify Streaming Farms Hurt Independent Musicians post thumbnail

How Spotify Streaming Farms Hurt Independent Musicians

Under: technology Tags: #100wd
Brief overview on how creators are paid on the platform. And how with the pandemic curbing live gigs and direct sales, indi artists are affected.
All Hail The JAM Stack! post thumbnail

All Hail The JAM Stack!

Under: technology Tags: #nextjs #web-dev
Let's re-do this damn website.
Financial APIs, pushing the boundaries of Identity post thumbnail

Financial APIs, pushing the boundaries of Identity

Under: fintech technology Tags: #APIs #IAM
Almost everyone will say “Publishing APIs are easy, Securing them is the hard part”. Sentiment remains, in the realms of financial APIs. A…
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