COVID-19 Vax Locations13/10/2021 Under: projects Tags: #nextJs #covid19A story of building a webapp to help folks find vaccination centers. And in the process learn the importance of open data!
What "Being Agile" is Really About24/07/2021 Under: technology Tags: #computing #startupsSome thoughts on being agile and why process shouldn't come first to survive.
Social Engineering Isn't Hacking?08/07/2021 Under: technology Tags: #computing #hacking #bookReviewsSome thoughts on social engineering and magic? An exploration of Kevin Mitnick's hacks from the book "Ghost in the Wires"
The PC Is Dead, Long Live The PC!26/06/2021 Under: technology Tags: #computingA Look at what's next for personal computing.
Pragmatic Approach : Serverless For Startups23/06/2021 Under: technology Tags: #serverless #startupsServerless And Startups, how one can benefit from the other.