monogram with initials UKR

ආයුබෝවන්! வணக்கம்! Welcome!
I’m Kaveen, a software engineer,
based in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Generating JAX-RS APIs from Swagger definitions post thumbnail

Generating JAX-RS APIs from Swagger definitions

Under: web-dev Tags: #Java #OpenAPI #API
This guide will explore how the swagger-codegen-maven-plugin can be used to generate JAX-RS APIs in Java with Maven.
Wax Records and Parent Teacher Meetings post thumbnail

Wax Records and Parent Teacher Meetings

Under: Tags: #SchoolDays #Music
It’s 10am, many disappointing conversations with teachers later. Let’s say I was uninspired but honestly I can’t imagine what was up with…
Recreating the THX Deep Note in JavaScript post thumbnail

Recreating the THX Deep Note in JavaScript

Under: projects Tags: #DSP
THX celebrates their 35th anniversary somewhere in this week. Short bit of history THX’s inception in 1983 was to make sure that the…

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