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Peek Into Upcoming Personal Data Protection Bill For Sri Lanka post thumbnail

Peek Into Upcoming Personal Data Protection Bill For Sri Lanka

Under: technology Tags: #Security #SriLanka
The Ministry of Digital Infrastructure and Information Technology (MDIIT) has recently published a framework for the proposed Data…
Understanding Idempotency in REST APIs post thumbnail

Understanding Idempotency in REST APIs

Under: web-dev Tags: #APIs
Incorporating idempotency is an important part of building robust and predictable APIs.
Introduction to Consumer Data Right Australia post thumbnail

Introduction to Consumer Data Right Australia

Under: fintech Tags: #OpenBanking
Some associate the Australian CDR as EU’s PSD2 which is incorrect as CDR provides a boilerplate for multiple industries to open up.
API Aggregators — The Success of PSD2 post thumbnail

API Aggregators — The Success of PSD2

Under: fintech Tags: #APIs #PSD2
Third parties have come to a crossroad, either build compatibility and onboard multiple specifications or adopt an API aggregator.
eiDAS, solving PSD2’s identity problems. post thumbnail

eiDAS, solving PSD2’s identity problems.

Under: fintech Tags: #PSD2 #eIDAS
One of the biggest problems in Open Banking is identity. eIDAS is the saviour allowing a single method of trust to be established in the…
Implementing Detached JSON Web Signature post thumbnail

Implementing Detached JSON Web Signature

Under: fintech Tags: #Security
Detached JWS allows non-intrusive integrity validation for existing mediums, With minor modifications to JWS this can be accomplished.
Better UX for PSD2 Strong Customer Authentication using Transaction Risk Analysis post thumbnail

Better UX for PSD2 Strong Customer Authentication using Transaction Risk Analysis

Under: fintech Tags: #PSD2 #IAM #OpenBanking
With PSD2 mandating strong customer authentication, repeated multi-factor authentication can be a burden this can be eased with TRA.
Open Banking and PSD2 simplified. post thumbnail

Open Banking and PSD2 simplified.

Under: fintech Tags: #PSD2 #OpenBanking
The wave of Open Banking has hit the shore, is it a fad or a goldmine? only time will decide, I believe in the latter. It is no secret…
Generating JAX-RS APIs from Swagger definitions post thumbnail

Generating JAX-RS APIs from Swagger definitions

Under: web-dev Tags: #Java #OpenAPI #API
This guide will explore how the swagger-codegen-maven-plugin can be used to generate JAX-RS APIs in Java with Maven.
Wax Records and Parent Teacher Meetings post thumbnail

Wax Records and Parent Teacher Meetings

Under: Tags: #SchoolDays #Music
It’s 10am, many disappointing conversations with teachers later. Let’s say I was uninspired but honestly I can’t imagine what was up with…
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