monogram with initials UKR

Look Back At 2021

Updated: Under: life Tags: #newYear

It’s another year. As many others, I felt indifferent this new year and Christmas in general. Even in the last months of 2021 double takes done on the calendar to realize that it’s not 2020. It was an extension of the year since the pandemic took its toll on earth.

Many died, some made good money and the others suffered in hunger. Another year with odds stacked unfavorably to the needy and vulnerable. Meanwhile, I was in autopilot, getting into the groove of balancing perfection and getting things done. Going to sleep in the hopes of a good breakfast and pacing though the day, caffeinated, looking for a hot shower in the eve.

It’s not as somber as it sounds. As I wasn’t alone, many others followed the same. Tweeting hot takes, chattering on calls and vented about the trials that tied them alone with thoughts. Some forgot the pandemic, many cried about it, and the others accepted the status quo.

I woke up to “Here Comes The Sun” every day, but a many decided not to step out of the house to see it in person. But its presence filtered though the curtains and on to the floor, So I did not fret. When the days of meeting friend did come, I dressed in my favorite clothes and doused my self with cologne, and it was fun.