ආයුබෝවන්! வணக்கம்! Welcome!
I’m Kaveen, a software engineer,
based in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Project: COVID-19 Vax Locations

Tags: #nextJs #covid19 Catagories:
A story of building a webapp to help folks find vaccination centers. And the importance of open data! Read more...

What "Being Agile" is Really About

Tags: #computing #startups Catagories:
Some thoughts on being agile and why process shouldn't come first to survive. Read more...

Social Engineering Isn't Hacking?

Tags: #computing #hacking #bookReviews Catagories:
Some thoughts on social engineering and magic? An exploration of Kevin Mitnick's hacks from the book "Ghost in the Wires" Read more...

Pragmatic Approach : Serverless For Startups

Tags: #serverless #startups Catagories:
Serverless And Startups, how one can benefit from the other. Read more...

How Spotify Streaming Farms Hurt Independent Musicians

Tags: #100wd Catagories:
Brief overview on how creators are paid on the platform. And how with the pandemic curbing live gigs and direct sales, indi artists are affected. Read more...
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